Thursday, November 25, 2010

Color my world

So, the new Harry Potter film is out, have you heard?  (I didn't really write a whole post about how I'm grateful for a Harry Potter film - I mean, I could have, but it would probably be way more interesting to me than to you, so just stick with me here.)

D and I have, over time, become huge fans of the series.  We resisted watching the films initially, tending to dismiss the "sheeple" jumping on the the latest bandwagon.  Then a good friend lent us the first DVD, insisting that we really should give it ago.  And a passion was born.  Over the years, we've done a couple of marathon series of Friday film nights to watch all of the films and we are planning another for over the Christmas holiday.  We won't go see the new film for a while... we may even wait for the DVD - which we have done with every other installment of the series.  But the Biography channel has recently broadcast a thoroughly enjoyable series of documentaries entitled "Creating the World of Harry Potter" which offers a fascinating peek into the process of bringing the books to life.

It was when we were watching a discussion of scoring the film and the evocative impact of a few spare notes in the "Music and Sounds" episode that I was struck by how fortunate I am to live in a world where brilliant, creative people exist with the passion to create works of art for the enjoyment of others.  People who face a blank screen, or sheet of paper or canvas, or roll of film (or camera sensor?) and are compelled to pour a little of themselves into it and share it with the world.  I'm astounded and humbled by the talents others manifest in language, music, film, still images or other media.  Works of art that amuse me, move me and inspire me.  Sure, some people do it for money, but for many the act of creation is its own reward.  They undertake that first effort with no surety that it will come to anything significant financially... rather with a simple creative urge that must be released.

And we are so lucky they do.  How many times have you been brought to tears or laughter by a book, film or blog post?  How many times have you been soothed or compelled to dance by brilliant music?  How many times have you been drawn to an arresting image?  How much bleaker would the world be if we couldn't escape the dullness of simple existence through these works of art from time to time?

So today, before I stuff myself with a feast my dear husband will create for us (another talent I'm supremely grateful for), I am pausing to be thankful for the artists that color my world... including you, my blogging friends.  To morph a turn of phrase from the Discovery channel:  People are just awesome.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


  1. People really are just awesome! Happy Thanksgiving to you and D!

  2. Happy Happy Thanksgiving from the Antipodes to you and D.
    Thank you for your wonder photos and your inspiring words that you share with us.
