My wee little man,
You are 4 months old, my son, and we seem to have landed
smack in the middle of a growth spurt or developmental leap or something and, my
goodness, you are not a happy camper at the moment. Or, as Katherine puts it, “you are a little
bit very fussy.” After a period of relative
peace as you outgrew the colicky stage, in the past week we have reverted to
cuddles in the sling and a rather cantankerous mood for much of your waking
hours. It’s not all bad – you are a very social baby and quite the
charmer. There are moments when you are
absolutely delightful; you are mercurial, as you go from complaint to flashing an
adorable grin in a heartbeat if anyone says hello. But you detest being left alone and won’t
stand for it for very long, even when the household is bustling about around
you. No – you must be up and about and
right in the middle of things. I’m not
sure when you’ll learn to roll over or practice other gross motor skills as you
don’t really like to spend much of your waking hours on your back or your
tummy, or really anywhere that isn’t in someone’s arms. Ah well, I suppose we all get there in the
end, and if I’m honest I quite like knowing you stay where I leave you… at
least for now.
This month you’ve dialed in that hand-to-mouth thing and
also reaching out to grab toys, which you inevitably aim for your mouth with
varying degrees of success. You spend a
lot of time chewing on your fingers and sometimes I laugh when it seems you’ve
got one or two in your mouth but can’t for the life of you figure out what to do with the rest of them, so you twist and turn and splay them across your face and then give up and shove your whole fist in your mouth. You’ve turned into quite the dribble monster
– maybe you’re already teething? I have little experience in that department as
your sister never really let me know.
I’ve seen real tears – once, just once – but it is heart-breaking
all the same. I've also heard you emit a proper little laugh exactly twice - once in your sleep and once laughing at me, but those giggles are still few and far between.

I love you with all my heart,
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