My darling girl,
You are 2 1/2 years old, my sweet, and the light of my life. Each morning you come bounding into our bedroom, generally not long after 6 am, announcing quite loudly "I'm HERE!" (you certainly are) or "I'm AWAKE!" (and now so are the rest of us). You greet the day full of sunshine, even on the grayest of days. This is in direct contrast to how you usually wake from your 2-hour afternoon nap, when you are decidedly grumpy, but sometimes also drowsy and cuddly, melting into me in that delicious way of a child. On the other hand, you might wake up and melt down over a minute detail of your existence that isn't to your liking... one never knows.
A full 1/5 of your life has passed since I wrote your 2-year letter, and when I think about the math on that, I shouldn't be surprised how much you've changed. But it feels like you turned two just yesterday and when I look back on the past 6 months, I'm astounded by how grown up you've become. You weigh a sturdy 29 pounds, and no longer seem small for your age. Your chameleon eyes skew more towards brown these days, and the untameable curls and waves of your hair sport gorgeous honey-gold highlights. Although you have at least one of your last four molars through, possibly more (you refuse to open your mouth for me to look), I know that you have at least one more to go. But teething has never been an issue for you, so I'm sure that will sneak in there with as little drama as the rest.
You are now quite articulate and continually surprise me with the words and concepts you understand, especially since you absorb so much at nursery that your world-view extends far beyond what I expect. You are developing a sense of humour, and are tickled by absurdity. The other day, Daddy was explaining to you that the tall bamboo in our garden is actually a type of grass, and you giggled mightily that he could say something so ridiculous. I'm amused by the courage of your convictions. "What colour is the sky?" Daddy asks on murky, rainy day. "Blue!" you exclaim confidently. "That's not blue, that's gray," we assert. "No," you say seriously, "That's blue," and dare us to disagree.

Although you have your share of tantrums, transitions such as the school run, home time, leaving the playground or going to bed are surprisingly free of drama. I'm often grateful, when I stop to appreciate it, for the composed approach you have to moving through the routine of your days. That composure served you well when your world was blown apart 8 weeks ago by the arrival of your little brother. You had an emotional few weeks as you adjusted to this change in our family, but you deserve a medal for the way you've adapted. You largely ignore James, but when you do deign to notice him, you are ever so sweet and gentle. "He's smiling at me!" you exclaim, even if it's only that he's awake and not crying. You insist on placing the blanket on his car seat before we go out to keep him "warm and cozy." Once he was crying as we left for nursery and I explained that he was hungry for milk. "I know, I know!" you said, running off and returning with your toy milk bottle and placing it in James' car seat. You were so proud to help, and I'm so proud of you.

You are sometimes a bossy little thing. "Sit down, Mummy." "Cross your legs, Mummy." "Like this, Mummy." "You don't go get it, Mummy. I'm going to get it!" You are stern and serious in these commands and sometimes it is deeply important that you are obeyed. Perhaps I haven't done you any favours by acquiescing when it matters little to me to do so as that does mean that you can be terribly offended at the times I refuse to comply with your orders. Sometimes I simply get a strict, "I'm. Not. Happy." Sometimes you cry like I've broken your heart, and it breaks mine a little too.
Other times you are deliciously sweet. We play a game where you stand in a corner, lining up a run like a gymnast. Then I throw my arms wide and you charge across the room toward me, collapsing into my arms and laying your head on my shoulder. Then I stroke your back and you stroke mine too. Sometimes you murmur into my neck, "I love you mummy" and I'm reminded that I can't and don't tell you often enough how very much I love you. And I do, baby girl; I love you with the heat of a thousand suns...
...And with all my heart,

So cute