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Amazing photo by Eurospiders |
I was also pretty excited about the new purchase for two reasons. Firstly, I've got this mild fetish about men in full face motorbike helmets. Especially if the helmet has a tinted or mirrored visor so one can't see who is under there. There is something so mysterious and sexy about it. I confess a little crush on Top Gear's Stig. Star Wars' Storm Troopers do it for me too.*
* D - if you're reading - the attraction to any helmeted dude (yourself excepted) ends the moment the helmet is pulled off to reveal a sweaty hot mess.
The primary reason I'm excited is because I was instructed to procure cycle-riding safety gear for myself. This includes abrasion-resistant pants and jacket and of course, a helmet. I broadened the mission mandate: Procure cute cycle-riding gear for myself. Much research ensued. Did you know that you can easily drop $500-$800 on a helmet, but that you can also buy a brand new street legal helmet that meets DOT safety standards for as low as $25 on ebay? We asked the guy at the dealership why one should consider an expensive helmet if the safety is the same. He came up with some malarkey about how a good helmet is like a fine samurai sword and then pointed out the pink accent graphics on a $500 black lid with shiny sparkly flecks in its clear coat. I was all "ooooh, pretty, mama likey." In the words of Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias, "Pink is mah signature coluh," so I was on a mission to find a pink helmet. But then I shook my head to break the trance and start thinking sensibly.

After reading reviews, I settled on a Scorpion EXO-400 in Paradise Blush or an Icon Airframe in Regal Lace which I went back to the dealership to try on for fit and comfort. Then I found out that helmets are like car models: they change each year, and those graphic patterns were sooo 2009. The Icon now came in a day-glo pink with some kind of serpent scale pattern, which, while providing a high-visibility safety edge, is just not me. The Scorpion line had no pink graphics to be found at all in this year's model. Sigh.
I chose the Scorpion in Lilly-Purple (pictured at right) from the dealership catalog. When it arrived, I was all worried that I would be disappointed that I couldn't get pink, but I lurve it. The white base is actually a pearl color, reminiscent of a luxe Audi paint I adore, and the purple accents are just lavender enough that I might get away with a pink jacket after all.
My head was measured at the very top of the range meant for a small, and the medium didn't fit tight enough. I tried on my new helmet and asked the sales rep if the pressure making my brain feel all squeezy was normal. He advised me to take it home and wear it around the house to start breaking it in and if I hadn't passed out after an hour, then the fit was perfect.
So last night, that's what I did. Despite snorts of hilarity from the husband who insisted I look a right bobblehead, I surfed the net in my helmet. I played Wii golf in my helmet. I freaked my cat (who is terrified of strangers) right the heck out in my helmet. And despite having downed two vodka redbulls over the course of the evening, when I watched a movie I even dozed off (as per usual) in my helmet. So if anyone is looking for a Scorpion EXO-400 review, I can say with confidence that it is comfortable enough to sleep in.
So, interweb peeps, I need a little help from you. I have to decide whether to follow my heart and get a pink jacket, or whether I should choose silver or blue in the name of fashion and better color coordination with the helmet.
The contenders are pictured, so please give me your opinion in the poll below (click through if you're in a reader). Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go convince the husband that he needs to break in his new lid so I can give in to the desire to rip his clothes off and whisper "No, baby, you can leave the helmet on."
So tell me in the comments, do helmets do it for you or am I just a weirdo? And if not, what does?