My darling Katherine,
You are ten months old, sweetness, and the last month has
been a busy one. Your daddy worked very
hard to renovate the home we bought and finally get us moved in on the day you
turned 10 months old. It’s been a busy,
busy month and you and I spent a lot of time at the new place while daddy
worked on it, which threw your feeding and sleeping schedule into complete
disarray. But you handled it like a
champ. To keep you safe, you spent way too
much time in your car seat or bouncy seat before we sorted out the playpen,
affectionately dubbed “baby jail.” A couple of those car seat naps stretched to
90 minutes – about twice as long as you’ve ever napped in your entire life! Baby girl, if I’d have known that
highly-discouraged practice of carseat napping would have resulted in such long
stretches of daytime sleep, I’d have tried it ages ago. I also confess to finally resorting to the TV
as a babysitter at one fussy point during the move and since this was a fairly
novel experience for you it certainly kept you quiet. When I came to check on you a short while
later, your tongue was lolling out of the side of your mouth while you lazily
tapped your fist against it and you were mesmerized by the screen. I joked to your daddy that you were looking
dumber already.

At the beginning of the month, you were up on all fours with
no real clue how to move forward.
It was
a race to see what would occur first – the move into our new house or you
learning to crawl.
You beat us by 10
days, developing a unique style to achieve forward progress; I can’t really
call it crawling.
You’d crawl forward
with your knees while tipping onto your chest since you hadn’t quite worked out
the whole hand-over-hand thing yet.
During the three days of our move, neither the house we were departing
nor the house we were moving into were safe enough for you to move around
The only place you were allowed
any latitude was contained safely on the bed between us, given free rein there
amongst the bedding.
Daddy says it must
have functioned like training in sand because once we set you back down on
newly laid carpet at home, you set off like lightning, with a properly
developed cross-limbed crawl that seemed to appear from nowhere.

You now have three teeth, with your first top tooth (oddly
the second one on the left rather than either of the middle two) coming through
several weeks ago.
Unlike your first two
bottom teeth which appeared within days of each other, your second top tooth is
taking its own sweet time, giving you an adorable, slightly snaggle-toothed
smile for now.
You’re getting the hang
of the eating thing, though we have pretty much abandoned spoon feeding and
just let you get on with it using your fingers.
It wasn’t like I was getting much food into you with a spoon anyway,
once you figured out how to remove it forcefully from my hands and then very
deliberately turn it around and chew on the handle.
Every. Time.
You’ve developed the fine motor skills necessary to pick up Cheerios,
which have become one of your favorite foods.
You don’t eat much, really, even of things you like.
You’ve not got a big appetite, though you are
adventurous (or indiscriminate) enough to try a bite of pretty much anything I
set in front of you.
But you are also
opinionated and will then refuse to eat things you have decided you do not like
at any given moment… and those moments are tough to predict because you are a
fairly capricious eater.
You are still
small, weighing in at around 15.75 lbs, and your 3-6 month wardrobe still fits
But you are gaining well and
creeping up the percentile chart, so your diet must be suiting you well.
We’ve had so much fun playing together over the last month
and I often spent time with you in baby jail at the new house while daddy
worked on the renovation. One of my favorite moments was when I made an
impromptu puppet out of a silicone cupcake case, and you laughed until you
nearly cried. You also play well on your
own and I love simply observing you explore things. Watching you play is like a time warp;
minutes fly by and become hours while I’m absorbed in your wonderment. I haven’t ever wished away one moment of your
precious infant days, thinking I can’t wait until you learn to do this or
that. I’ve just enjoyed who you are and
what you can accomplish at any given time.
It’s gone so fast, I look back and wonder at how quickly my delicious
squishy newborn was replaced by this great grown proper little girl. But know this, little one – you will always
be my baby.
I love you with all my heart,