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11 weeks |
You're three months old, my little lovely, and yet every day I still feel amazement that you are here - my very own daughter. It feels like a dream sometimes. I love to just look at you and take in all the tiny perfect details - rosebud mouth, big slate-blue eyes (your momma's eyes), sweet curling lashes, miniature fingers and tiny feet. I drink in your very existence, which is a little miracle to me.
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My funny Valentine |
A good napper? Not so much. I've tried to get you to nap on your own during the day, but you just will not do it for any significant length of time. I think you might have managed an hour on our best go, and our most successful naps are the blissful afternoons when we curl up in bed together. However, you will happily sleep for hours and hours in the baby carrier. This often results in toast crumbs and other detritus collecting in your hair because I haven't quite mastered the art of eating neatly with you cuddled up to my chest.

You've become quite the little ray of sunshine, readily beaming huge gummy grins and sweet smiles as your eyes follow us around the room. You stick out your tongue and coo and sigh... and sometimes cry. I rarely let you cry as a newborn, but on those unavoidable occasions, it was always the reflexive howl of a little person that didn't understand her own discomfort. But now, you have a grizzling wee wail that is often as not traded for a smile as soon as you see me, and I know without question that you are trying to communicate. For now, my little duchess, I am happy to acquiesce to your every wish. Enjoy it while you can, for the world is a cold, cruel place and we can't always get what we want.

You've started to grab my shirt while you nurse, like some minor street thug about to rough me up, as if to make sure I'm not going anywhere. But rest assured, sweetie, I am here for you. It's awesome that I am your favorite person. Before motherhood, I anticipated how special you would be to me but I never realized how it would feel to know I'm so special to you. I am the center of your world... and you, my darling, are the center of mine.
I love you with all my heart,